Video Baluns
Video Baluns provide an excellent solution to long cable runs for CCTV security surveillance cameras. We offer our customers these high quality Video baluns at factory direct wholesale prices. Typically video signals are limited to about 300' before video quality becomes undesirable. In situations where longer distances are needed, video baluns are your best choice. Twisted pair and CAT5 cabling is much less expensive than the industry standard RG59 and siamese cable making video baluns the best cabling solution for CCTV security surveillance cameras. Did you know that you can run 4 cameras up to a 1000 feet on a single Cat5 cable using our video baluns?
Balun FAQ:
1. What is a BALUN? An acronym for BALanced / UNbalanced. A device commonly used to change one cabling media to another (example: coaxial cable to twisted pair Cat 5 cable). A video balun converts the coax 75 ohm impedance video signal to a 100 ohm impedance for Cat5 cable and on the other end, the receiving balun then converts the signal back to 75 ohms. So in order to use baluns for video or audio transmission, the application needs 2 baluns, one on each end of the Cat5 cable to work.
2. Why use Video Baluns? Video Baluns provide an excellent solution to long cable runs for CCTV security surveillance cameras. Typically video signals are limited to about 400' before video quality becomes undesirable and in situations where longer distances are needed, video baluns are your best choice. Unsheilded Twisted Pair (UTP) and CAT5 cabling is much less expensive than RG59 cable, making video baluns the best cabling solution for CCTV security and surveillance cameras.